“For they would not follow his ways;”
Sin is not a new thing you know,what we are struggling with today is any old thing it has been there before you where born,all kinds of evil,all good things are only obtained but what you do.
– If you want to achieve in doing good you can reap the harvest of it.
– If you want to be part of those who disobey God all the time, you will reap your soon harvest indeed.
You have to make your own choice, make up your own mind, as from today what are you going to do with your life and future,all is up to you.

“My son,don not forget my teaching,”
Listen here he did nit said my “teachings” He just simple means said my teaching,only one word is enough for you from today to the rest of your life.

– To follow his ways, this it mean his word.
– They did not obey His law.
Here is not saying His laws, only His “law”.

One word is enough for you.
Pray with me father i want to obey you from today.In Jesus Name amen.
By Rev.Peter Ndamba