The call into Obedience.

“The Lord had said to Abram,”leave your native country,your relatives,and your Fathers family,and go to the land that i will show.Abram he was 75 years of age when he left his home country,”(Gen.12:1),obedience is the key in our lives, the keys to...


We need to thirst after God,we are in the beginning of the year let us thirsts for God as one thirsts for water. Let us challenge our selves to seek after him,in our prayer life, in our private time,”For my people have done two evil things;they have abandoned...

Different eyesight removes fear.

“Moses my servant is dead;now therefore arise,cross this jordan,you and all this people,”(Josh.1:2). Always God starts with you, what is needed here you need to remove all your fear, start to obay the Lord now. -Fear for the past. -Fear to face the...