“Yes,I will indeed do these things;

Isaiah.42:16. His promises are Yes,He is not a man that he liar’s,there those of us we did not know his ways, even having a direction in life. He says,”But I’ll take the hand of those,who don’t know the way,who can’t see,where...

“I will make darkness light before them.”

Isaiah.42:16. This is the greatest promise of God in our life’s, or in your life in person,God He is saying i will brighten the darkness before them. This is the promise of God who has the unfailing love,and smooth out the road ahead of them.the walk is no long...

“New beginning in your life,says the Lord.”

Isaiah 42:16. If the word is coming from God, never give up, God He is saying,”And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not:God has all the answers, He is saying this way you have never walked before, this means you were blind could not see but now you...