“Jesus Said “Come”To Peter.
“Take courage,It is I;”do not be afraid.” and Peter answered him and said,”Lord,if it is You,command me to come to You on the water.”(Mat.14:27-29.)
If you are ready for your miracle it is now,just allow Jesus to command you to come out of your situation today,believe me,just say to Jesus i’m ready now.”
And He said “Come!” Trust in Him alone,nothing else,don’t think what others will say to you,don’t be discouraged with no one,i know you are not alone in this boat,the same problem you have,your friends and,relatives have similar,forget about somebody, but just take your step towards Jesus,” And Peter got out of the boat,and walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
“Just do it now,In Jesus Name, you are blessed today,i know this is your first decision,just do it.”