Contact Us

If you have any questions, we would love to help.

Get In Touch

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Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 208
Zimbabwe, Africa


Zimbabwe: +263 712 391 466 Uganda and East Africa: +256785076764
Peter’s Cell: +18562545193
Peter’s U.S. Cell: +18562545193
Lydia’s Cell: 263 772 996 170
Peter’s Cell Zimbabwe: +263 772 352 372
Urganda East Africa: +256 778 279 727

For donations of goods (food, products, clothing, etc.)

If you want to make a donation of goods, your item must be ready to ship and packed in a box suitable for shipping. Please ship all goods to:

African Ministries International (Aka:Missions To Africa)
Rev. Peter Ndamba
7900 Edward St.
New Orleans, LA 70126